

We Don't Hide Things

On rare occasion we meet a Seller who wants to hide something. If you are that type of Seller, you should call someone else – We don’t hide stuff.

Please take note, even if we represent you, we still will not fib to a buyer.  (Nor should you, it will very likely cause you future problems). We will put you in the very best possible light.


We don't Maintain "Inventory"

People are always asking us “What Do We Have Available For Sale”

We get our Sellers Sold.  We don’t maintain an inventory.

We typically have nothing “Available”

As soon as we get a seller, we Identify Potential Buyers, and then soon after have a Letter Of Intent and then get the deal done.

Long Term

We intend to be here to serve you for the long term

We’ve been doing this for over 20 years, our intent is to do this another 20 plus years. We have already “retired” once and have no intention to retire again. We don’t even like missing a day of work. We’ll be here to serve you for the long term.